To implement Dr. P.L. Gautam’s Committee recommendations on DG Half-Yearly
Progress Monitoring (HYPM) of the Scientists in ICAR, a web based software has
been designed and developed at IASRI, New Delhi with a view to ensure more
objective evaluation of the half-yearly performance of Scientists in ICAR.
The HYPM is being maintained at the Central Server of IASRI, New Delhi and is
accessible at http://hypm.iasri.res.in/. Authenticated access has been given to
all concerned scientists, reporting officers, reviewing officers and research
ARS (ICAR) scientist posted at any one of the ICAR institutes has access to HYPM
software through a unique UserId & Password. Facility has been provided to enter
proposed targets for the coming half-year and achievements of the completed
half-year independently with respect to Research, Teaching, Training, Extension
and Other Prioritized Activities.
The Reporting Officer (Head of Division/Regional Station) has access to the
Proposed Targets & Achievements details submitted by all concerned scientists.
He/She may add his/her remarks and give recommendations on the basis of the
progress reports/inputs submitted by the concerned scientists.
Reviewing Officer has dual facilities as he/she may be the Reporting Officer and
as well as Reviewing Officer for some scientists like Head of Divisions and
Reviewing Officer for other scientists. The Reviewing Officer is able to add
his/her own Assessment Remarks and Final Overall Grading on the Proposed Targets
and Achievements of all scientists. Finally, Institute/SMD/ICAR Level Monitoring
Reports are generated.
- Last date for submission of Targets/Achievements in HYPM is has been extended from 20th October 2019 to 11th November 2019.
- Reporting and reviewing should be completed by 15th November 2019.
Use IE
6.0 and above version only.(Also compatible with Google Chrome)
Division of Computer Applications,
IASRI, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi - 110 012 (INDIA)
For any inquiry Please mail us hypm@icar.gov.in
Registered Users: 6516